The Camp Against Cuts is over a week and a half old now, surviving wind, rain and intimidation by the management. It was set up on Thursday 21st of May and will run until the end of term, with two main objectives:
The first is to be a constant visual reminder to management of the widespread opposition to the programme of department closures, cuts, lay-offs and attacks to staff that they are undemocratically and underhandedly trying to push through. Recent examples are the planned closure of the Linguistics department (one of the best in the country) and the new “No-Hours” contracts for tutors, which mean they have no guaranteed working hours but have to be constantly on call and can’t get another job or receive jobseekers allowance!
The second purpose of the camp is to be a free space for students and the rest of the university community to use for whichever educational, recreational and political activities they wish. These can include anything from political discussions about how to take the movement on campus forward in the next academic year to skill-sharing workshops to picnics and musical events!
If you have ideas for workshops or talks that you would like to put on at the camp, ideas for new tactics for the protest movement, or even if you just like the idea of the camp and want to get involved, come along to an open meeting at 1pm Wednesday the 3rd of June. This meeting will be run on an open and participatory basis, and aims to be a safe space where everyone can express themselves free from fear of intimidation of any kind. If you can’t make this meeting but would still like to get involved, don’t worry, just come along anytime to the camp between Sussex House and Falmer House and introduce yourself.
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